Thursday, February 11, 2010


Abraham Lincoln once said, "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt."
Apparently Sarah Palin missed this quote while mining platitudes to spew at the gathered teabaggers at the first National Tea Party Convention. Man, if the measure of a society rests in the eloquence of its speech, then judging by Palin's keynote address, we are one foot outside of the caves.
Folksy is one thing, but after her nearly 50-minute address, America suffered a nationwide apostrophe shortage - I'm jus' sayin'. The first few minutes alone contained nothing but the most saccharine political banalities."Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan," she shouted at the confederacy of conservative dunces.
We're shocked she didn't throw in a few "Git 'r Duns" for good measure. God knows that would have garnered an uproarious applause.
How this troglodyte has maintained any political relevancy after her failed run for vice president and her failed tenure as Alaska's governor, is beyond all realms of rationality. What is it? Why does this nation fall for it time and time again?
George W. Bush pulled this arrogant, smarmy stupidity all the way to two terms in the White House.
And Palin's even worse. She's shrill, she's petty and she has all the charm and grace of a wheat thresher. Is this nation's compass so far off that this creature is a legitimate contender for the Republican nomination for the presidency? And the front runner no less.
Speaking to Obama's supporters Palin asked, "How's that hope-y, change-y stuff workin' out for ya?"
Better than your shill-y, pander-y nonsense-y.
She went on to say the Tea Party movement is, "a lot bigger than any charismatic guy with a teleprompter." This coming from a woman who is so utterly cretinous, that the conservative talking points haven't made a dent in that thick permed skull. Palin had to write down "energy," "tax cuts" and "Lift American spirits" on her bony little palms. On at least one occasion, Palin drew a blank and had to refer to her cheat sheets.
Maybe this gripe is one of style over substance. Maybe, under this low brow veneer is a simple American soul, capable of sage wisdom and sound advice.
But, wrapped in this down- to-earth husk is the most divisive political skullduggery. Palin's brain is a crude contraption running on bloodlust, religious zealotry and fearmongering.
Palin, insults our intelligence and plays to our mediocrity all in the same breath.
Stupidity and pettiness do not a politician make.
-Webster University Journal


  1. sarah is the anna nichole smith opf politics
    we can only hope the tea she is drinking is spiked with something

  2. America has been in an intellectual decline for decades. Stupid is the new smart. Unfortunately, this country deserves a good looking, vacuous president to take us on the final step to complete self-destruction. Vote Palin in 2012, especially if you are planning on leaving the states.

  3. This makes me embarrassed to be a member of the "tea partyians....."
    Yikes. She really needs a spankin'!
