Friday, February 26, 2010


Oh hell, Mess didn't DO anything that needs apologizing. It's just that it seems as if every damn day that goes by, somebody in the news is apologizing. It's getting pretty damn pathetic and boring, people. And, by the way, if you have to read it from a prepared speech, it ain't for real. Sorry for cheating on you. Sorry for stealing your life's savings. Sorry for using the N word. Sorry for using the F word. Sorry for selling you a car with a defective gas pedal. Sorry for misappropriating your tax money. Sorry our police officers are stalking their ex-wives, driving while drunk, raping transgenders and raiding the wrong houses. Sorry for blowing up your country. Sorry for misrepresenting your tribal garb in our skating routine. Sorry for wearing a dead animal in my skating routine. Did I say sorry for cheating on you?


  1. How about, "Sorry I didn't let you put the link to my website on your blog...."

  2. We live in a world where feelings are the new facts and tell-all memoirs are the new investigative journalism. How else to explain 2 of the most self-absorbed mansluts in today's pop culture receiving the same amount of coverage as relief in Haiti and health care debates?
