Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Yesterday Mess was wondering if the Post Office was open since it was Washington's birthday.
So we sat down at our com-pooter and began to google, beginning with "Is". Here's what automatically came up. Mess has to wonder what the world is coming to, at least on an intellectual level.
1. Is
2. Is Lady Gaga a man
3. Is Lady Gaga a hermaphrodite
4. Is the world going to end in 2012
5. Is Santa real
6. Is bronchitis contagious
7. Is Khloe Kardashian pregnant
8. Is pnuemonia contagious
9. Is Walmart open on Christmas
10. Is limewire illegal
11. Is Wendy Williams a man


  1. it is a good thing you did not start your google search with the word IF
    you would still be reading of infinite possibilities

  2. Goodness...so many good questions...i better get the bon bons, lay on the couch and watch TV to find out!
