Friday, January 29, 2010


You all know Mess is an old cat, at least in the chronological sense. However, as a "journalist" and a blogger, Mess tries to keep up with the youth of the world. The other day Mess's niece Guiliana stopped by and mentioned a buddy of hers who was a gay furry. Now Mess is not inclined to drop his facade of hipdom that easily, so he said "cool" or some such other meaningless utterance. Well, Mess had to do some research. Seems this gay furry movement is some post-bear cult looming in the youth culture of all sexual persuasions. Locally the press, or what's sadly left of it, has been running articles about Sarah Rodriguez, an 18 year-old who thinks she's a wolf, so with the wolf moon and all that it all comes together, in a strange sort of way. Here's wikipedia's take on the "furry" scene.
I have a feeling, though, that Guiliana and her furry friend can explain it better to me with some sake and a Djarum cigar. We'll have to make a date.

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