Friday, August 21, 2009


This is a THREE part quiz. They were the FIRST to do what nearly everybody today is doing. Who are they and what did they do, and when did they do it?


  1. Before Jon and Kate, PBS ran a documentary on a typical American Family, the Louds. Taped in 1971 and shown in 1973, mother Pat asks father Bill for a divorce. Son Lance Loud came out as gay and wore lipstick and at times women's clothes. Lance went on to fame as a columnist for several magazines including The Advocate. He passed away in 2001 of AIDS and hep C.

  2. That James, our resident smarty pantalones, is once again right on the money! I think Lance Loud was the first "real" gay person I had ever seen on TV, and perhaps on earth, at that time. So imagine, many years later, as a freelance writer for The Advocate, getting a ride home on the back of Lance's motorcycle. A moment to treasure. If anybody can find the show on tape or dvd give a holler. We'd love to watch it again.

  3. I checked in Netflix, the library, and even PBS and they do not have it. What a shame.

  4. By the way, for those of you with out gaydar, Lance is on the far upper right

  5. There is a fabulous documentary of Lance's life - "Death in an American Family" done in 2001. His days at the Chelsea Hotel still live in infamy.
