The increasingly nasty fight between South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford (shown here either crying or snorting some shit he brought back from Argentina) and Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer escalated further this week with charges from a legislative ally of Bauer that Sanford and his supporters are spreading malicious rumors that Bauer — a Republican like Sanford — is gay.
GOP state Senator Jake Knotts made the charge in a letter to state legislators Wednesday that was obtained by POLITICO. In an interview in June with The State newspaper, Bauer voluntarily brought up the subject of his sexual orientation. Asked if he was gay, he responded: “One word, two letters. No.”
But the rumor has continued to circulate widely on the Web and has become caught up in the continuing drama surrounding Sanford, whose adulterous affair with an Argentine women has led to calls for his resignation. Bauer, who would succeed Sanford if he left office, called for Sanford to resign last week. (Sanford reportedly got dressed up as Effie in Dreamgirls and sang "And I Am Telling You, I'm Not Going").
GOP state Senator Jake Knotts made the charge in a letter to state legislators Wednesday that was obtained by POLITICO. In an interview in June with The State newspaper, Bauer voluntarily brought up the subject of his sexual orientation. Asked if he was gay, he responded: “One word, two letters. No.”
But the rumor has continued to circulate widely on the Web and has become caught up in the continuing drama surrounding Sanford, whose adulterous affair with an Argentine women has led to calls for his resignation. Bauer, who would succeed Sanford if he left office, called for Sanford to resign last week. (Sanford reportedly got dressed up as Effie in Dreamgirls and sang "And I Am Telling You, I'm Not Going").
Sweet Jesus, gays and adulterers! Mess is sure glad that the Texas gubernatorial race ain't that messy (yet).
chile, take your cryin' ass and leave the damn state! We all laughin' at you! We all know what this be about, and it ain't about someone bein' gay. It be about you trying to point your finger. Well, we be showing a finger, too. You got a lot of damn gall, boy. Take your Adultering hoo-haa and go back to Argentina. That South American Boo-tay is a waitin'!