Last week it was discovered that Gubernatorial candidate Kay Bailey Hutchison, had strange shit like 'rick perry gay" on her website's search engine. It caused quite the little uproar and even got Hutchison banned from a few major search engines. But hell, this is just the beginning of the mud slinging, bile spitting, character assinating, evil garbage that will spew forth from both of the idiots who want to run our state (or in Perry's case, our COUNTRY). Unless of course, Texas gets KINKY. That's what we're hoping. But, Kay, even if you did do that "gay" thing on purpose, girlfriend, for a fighting Texan that is pretty weak. See some of our suggestions below, and if either of y'all need us to do some consulting work, give us a holler! You two can beat each other up into little packets of bbq sauce for all we care 'cause we're behind KINKY 100%.
Anyhoo, we decided to run a few searches of our own, but didn't come up with much. If any of our readers can do better, kindly give us a holler!
Rick Perry porn actor and meth addict
Kay Bailey Hutchison alcoholic shoplifter
Rick Perry sex with mules
Kay Bailey Hutchison stripper during college
Rick Perry never paid taxes
Kay Bailey Hutchison Sarah Palin lesbian affair
Rick Perry and Bin Laden share a Lone Star
Kay Bailey Hutchison porn actor meth addict
Rick Perry crush on Natalie Maines
oh, God! He just can't be one of us!